A Charmed Life

I have a confession to make: I love that kitschy show “Charmed.” It’s on every morning and has become a part of my daily routine. (Kinda sad, I know.) But today it took a central role in reminding me of some very important messages that I need to take to heart.

The first Charmed episode on this morning’s schedule was the final episode of the series. The next episode (TNT shows them back-to-back) was the first episode of the series — the series premiere — essentially starting the re-runs of the Charmed all over again.

A happy ending followed by a chance to start over.

This morning I asked my spirit guides to speak to me and send me some direction, and since then random thoughts, remembrances of conversations, cliches and such — plus the odd sequence of Charmed episodes — have been front and center of my morning. The cliche “when one door closes, another door opens” implanted itself in my brain, to be supplanted by a truism from a dear friend: “You have to sufficiently mourn before you can move on.” And a few similar thoughts.

OK, I get it. Message received, loud and clear. You think I’m a nut? That could be true, but think for a minute…

How many times have you been noodling a problem or an idea, turning it over in your mind, and then out of the blue, the answer just pop into your head? What about seeing or hearing something that really “speaks” to you in a way you can’t ignore? Or praying for guidance and discovering that the way just opened up before you?

The last four months have been filled with significant life transitions for me: saying goodbye to a career at a company I dearly loved, the end of a way of parenting my daughters that wasn’t working for any of us, a shift of perspective and priorities, and a renewed emphasis on those things that are truly important in life — the intangibles that we all desire and yet don’t seem to make time to achieve. You know the ones: peace, love, joy, wellness.

So what am I to take from this morning? Exactly what’s been shared with me. I need to mourn the passing of what was, no matter how wonderful it was for the time, in order to move on to what will be. I need to remember that when once door closes, another does indeed open, and that I have the freedom to walk through the doorway should I choose to do so. And that an ending is always followed by a beginning, a chance to start over. I’m thankful for my reminders.

What do you need to be reminded of? And are you listening for those messages?

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