What do you think?

Every month or so, I’ll get a great email that reminds me of a truth that I’ve known always but may have neglected. Today I was fortunate to receive one of those emails from someone I’ll call “Matthew”.

I was reminded of how incredibly important positive thoughts and visualization are to manifesting what it is that we want out of life. It’s imperative to think in positive terms and NOT dwell on what we don’t want or like. Think about it for a minute…

If you spend energy thinking about the undesirable things you don’t want in your life or the world, won’t that attract more energy and just serve to make the undesirable things more powerful? Alternatively, if you spend energy thinking about good, desirable things  — abundance, health, happiness — that will attract more energy and make the desirable things more powerful, yes?

In more simple terms, you attract more of what you focus your attention and energy on, so why not be sure you’re focusing on the good stuff?

From “Matthew’s” email are a few suggestions…

“Visualize crowds of healthy appearing, smiling people of all ages and races strolling in lovely parks and laughing children on colorful playgrounds. Envision vegetable gardens thriving and tables laden with food, prosperous neighborhoods with trees and flowering shrubs, schools and universities filled with eager students.

For preservation of the natural environment and rejuvenation of damaged lands and seas, visualize Earth with crystal clear skies and waters, verdant lands where deserts used to be, flourishing forests.

For the humane treatment of all animals, picture animals of every species grazing in meadows and peaceably mingling with one another and with the people.”

I know that positive thoughts and visualization can work wonders for our world, so I’m going to be sure I allow some time for it every day. How about you?

One response to “What do you think?

  1. Carol Palmatier

    Envisioning beauty, health, happiness and love…now that’s cheeky, chick!

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